Sunday, April 6, 2008

DAY 71: 6 MAR 08

Well this weekend flew by between my hw and work its going very fast. We have a little bit of a developing situation here in our b hut in that an Army soldier moved in. Ok no big deal as the 2 main divisions (82nd is leaving and 101st is taking over) are in a transition period. The catch is that he is married to a woman in the same unit and they are both here. Well she spent the night in our hut last night which is technically against the rules married or not. They do have married living arrangements here but apparently there is a waiting list. I am on the fence about saying something. If it’s one night a week I think I can handle it but more than that and I think we will be having an issue. Well I leave for Kabul this week and will be gone for another week. I am busy as hell at work which is ok. After this trip I will not go on another until June as I am taking my 4 days and going to Qatar in May. More on that as we get closer. I have got this interview with the 4 star general so I am getting a little nervous. I got to get a haircut this week. I get one before I leave for each trip so I look good in representing AFN. One I get back I will also be anchoring which many of you may be able to view on TV and if not definitely on the internet. Well I guess that’s it for now. My paper is just about done and then I have to do my final. Once those are done and in I am done with the class which will give me a total of 9 credits towards my masters. It takes 36 so I have a long way to go. Good night.

PS: can someone please call my Mom and tell her whether her brother got the picture from Ray's niece?


mama said...

Hi Rob, it sounds as if you are very busy but the time will go by fast that way but you need to relax a little too.
You are probably off by now to Kabul...I pray for you everyday....I feel I have one child in a war zone in another country and another child in a war zone of a different type right here in our country and at anytime I could get a call that one of you could be gone, I know I should not think that way but it is reality for me.
Hey explain to me what the details of the these coins you are collecting and what they mean....I have no idea what you are talking about and probably other readers donot know either.
A little thought for the day....Gods heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificent or small.
I love you bunches and miss you cant wait for your homecoming -mama

mama said...

Rob heard from Linda via email today, thanks so much....I believe Uncle Herb got the pix today.

mama said...

Robbie forgot to mention I sent another pkg....please let me know if you get it...thanks mom

Unknown said...

Oh Rob, calm down. Leave them alone and let them enjoy being able to be together. I would only say something to them personally if they are keeping you awake at night. I'd give anything (even if it was breaking the rules) to be with Daniel every day. Dont' worry about it unless they are endangering you or the mission. Not stirring up the dust ( pun intended) with make your stay there much more enjoyable. ~April PS-Panzer says hi and he can't wait to come see you guys!!