Sunday, August 17, 2008

Germany Update!

Well I have been putting this off for quite a while now. My final post about my experience of deploying to Afghanistan for 6 months and returning safely. Once I finish up about the deployment I will write a little about my current status.

Afghanistan: I remember seeing a national Geographic story about how they tracked down and found the girl from the 1980s cover and how all she wanted was the world to help Afghanistan. While it took 9/11 and all of for that to come true. I had hoped that’s what I would find out and it is true. Many, many nations to include a few troops from now war torn Georgia are there to help the Afghanis.

My 6 months was pretty good. In retrospect I which I would have gone off base more often but its easier said sitting safely in Germany than done in Afghanistan having to attend almost daily fallen comrade ceremonies and hearing jets take off to go fight. Either way it sincerely has changed me. I really do not care about little stuff anymore. While I am still super ambitious its in a different way. I realize how good we as Americas have it. I pray to God that we continue to help them as safe as we can so that one day they may live free and have at least a decent life.

Now that I am back safe I have to ask myself if I am willing to go again. While I have already gone if I wanted to go again I could. As it stands now I highly doubt I will have to go again given my time remaining in the service which I will expand upon below. I knew when I challenged myself by joining the Air Force I would face many tests. For me Afghanistan has been one of the biggest. I feel in my job I was serving more in a humanitarian role than I was a combat role. I see myself as a morale builder for my fellow troops, a video/audio connecter to their friends and family, and a historian in that the good things we have done are being documented in video which is hard to dispute.

All in all I am glad I went and even more glad I got back safe. I ultimately pray that that country gets on its feet so we can stop losing great Americans and those people can live a normal life. I have to admit that I have very little discriminatory feelings for people anymore. People are people and everyone wants to eat, be loved, have kids, make a little money, go to weddings and parties, and ultimately enjoy life peacefully. From Afghanistan, China, Russia, and everywhere in between. Afghanistan made me realize that as a 25 years old American I have achieved and done more than most people will ever do in their lives. While my work ethic affords me these luxuries my nationality almost guarantees them. For this reason alone I will always have a certain patriotism about me. Unless you served there is no way to explain it.

I have enjoyed watching the Olympic and applaud the Chinese for putting on a great show both in hosting and competing. Russia seems to be the old Bear it always has been since tearing Georgia apart. I just hope with a new President and some new leaders the world can work itself out. No matter your socio, political, or religious views, the bottom line is that too many people are suffering in this world right now. I have not become a flaming liberal but ultimately we do need to get along. I do not know what I did to deserve to be born an American but I thank God each day.

I got back on July 25th and enjoyed my 2 weeks off after doing the necessary military paperwork to document my return. Michelle and I visited her friend in Holland, played tennis, golf, bowling, and nice walks with our dog Ali. I have to say coming back was no easy as relationships take work and some routine and being away for 6 months allows neither. I was trying to see if I could leave this March of 2009 as I was originally slated, but they will not let me do it. I suppose if I really wanted to get out I could on October 3 2009 but that would entail more paperwork. My slated day for seperation from the USAF is March 3 2010 for those who are wondering. All of that will be served here in Germany unless something majorly crazy happens.

As it stands now Michelle and I are taking a cruise to the eastern Mediterranean in September, which I will post about when I get back. I am going to try to take more leave and go home for Thanksgiving through December 9th or so. Maybe 2 days in NJ, 2in Vermont, and the rest in the Burgh. I also may be back to Baltimore in March for 3 weeks for upgrade training. Of course next summer is the wedding so…

Michelle has still not found a job but we are working our way through it. I am glad to be back, glad to have a schedule of my life, and just glad to have a wonderful life. I really have nothing more to say. Ask me any questions as usual and I will reply to them in my post cruise entry. As always thanks for reading and take care.

Me in Kabul exploring the Queen's Palace.


Anonymous said...

I thought we were taking a western Mediterranean cruise?

mama said...

Hi Rob, just checked in to see if you posted last comments and was surprized to see you did did take you a while but I understand why.
I to remenber this young girls picture and saying to myself how her eyes are so beatiful but you can read so much saddness in them and at the time I was 19 yrs old and knew nothing of Afghanistan or any world promblems only my own.... Never dreaming I would have a son and he would be in Afghanistan trying to keep the peace.....Life gives you many experiences and you go thru so many different emotions in the course of your life that you must be able to bend at any given time or you can break.
These Afghanistns do not have a wide range of experiences like us Americans they live with constent dispair and I can not imagine how I would fair in a country such as you put it...thank God I was choosen to be born in America with all the many blessings we encounter each day even when things seem really bad in comparison that arent so bad at all. I just watched a CNN special report about Afghanistan women and how they are sold at 7 and 8 yrs old to be married and then in there own depair not being grown enough to understand what is happening to them, they attempt to burn there bodies...they are young girls and women left disfigured and there only real hope is to die. Im so humbled by all of this and most of all that my son returned from such a place...I give the Lord above all honor and glory for hearing all your and mine prayers for his safe return...Thank you Thank you and Thank you.
My last and final thoughts Robbie:

I believe that my children are a gift of God-the hope of a new tomorrow.
I believe that immeasurable possibilities lie in each son and daughter. I believe that God has planned a perfect plan for their future, and that His love shall always surround them.

I love you and Robin with all my heart and are so blessed to have both of you with all the GOOD, bad and the ugly ..... Love you always and forever

mama xoxoxoxo

mama said...

Hey Rob just checked out your my space page, like your - youtube videos and really like what Babe Ruth said " You just cant beat the person who NEVER GIVES UP".

Love you Mom