Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 1: 27 JAN 08

Well it’s late and I promised myself I would write one of these so here it is. I am typing in the dark and now realize I am pretty good at typing without looking. Anyway the old crew is almost all gone and we were shown around by one of them tonight. I took a shower and numero dos and the facilities are not that bad. The water has a ton of chlorine in it so my skin is dry as hell. A gym is close so I plan on trying to lift every day. The chow hall has a ton of food and is open for long periods of time. I was awaken in the middle of the night by a loud sound (sorry can't go into more detail there). I hope that’s not an everyday thing. I am tasked to be a Public Affairs guy but they may pull me to Broadcasting. We shall see. Anyway I am hitting the sack. I will write tomorrow and will even look into putting this into a blog instead of emailing everyone.

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